
  • Pivotal Pull

    Stir it up.  Run Free. Let the emotions Turn. Let it out. Roar, Rise, Revolve. Its a Cyclical Phase. trust. When the Earth Consciously Sheds. So Do...
  • Sensual Moon, Sensual You, Dance among the Taurus path

    f u l l M O O N in T a u r us , scorpio sun==== SUPERMOON AT THAT-  is When closest to the Earth- so the energies are stirring up the inner waters,...
  • F a l l into YOU

    Hello earth dwellers Tis the Season, a New season,  New Reasons. FALL is a beautiful representation of Cleansing out the old & letting go. Just...
  • You are the FUEL to the FIRE : moon thoughts:

    Can we say the F I R E is burning ALL the way! Have you been feeling FIRE-eeeY lately?....  I don't Know about you but the last few days have been ...
  • S M O O T H A L C H E M Y

    The Turning of the wheel... WooooFFFF.., From this Past SOLAr Eclipse, and New moon and Lunar Full moon, Lions Gate.....        im sure we all felt...
  • E A S E YOUr W A Y into AUGUST + Crystal Of the M O N T H labradorite

    oouuuhhhgggffff!!!   How has July treated you, or shall i say the last couple of months. A lot of Transitioning is happening in our outter and inne...
  • 7|17|17 portal opening.. .. . . .

       It is HERE, the Time is NOW. No time is better than right Here, Right NOW. where all your most powerful power resonates in the complete presence...
  • JULY's Crystal of the Month AQUAMARINE

    Good Day,Gaia Lovers! & Happy Half way through the year! WE are in the Turning WHEEL of the Highest peak of the SUN and MIDpoint of 2017! some ...
  • G A I A NEW M O O N Cleanse + Ritual

    Welcome Earth Lovers, Star Gazers + YOUniversal Beings! OOOaaahhhh. What a wave of all the greatest teachings stored with in us unlocking and unlea...
  • L U N A F E E L S '''strawberry moon

    F u l l m o o n in Sagittarius..    moving forth in such way that one can feel uncomfortable in the midst of cycles but totally necessary for your ...
  • C R Y S T A L FOR The M ON T H June~ A P O P H Y L I T E

    A PO P H Y L I T E Carries the Vibration of the Higher Realms and is use to attune to these realities which coExist with our everyday world. As jes...
  • G E M I N I S U P E R N E W M O O N

      OMMMMM... Not Only is this a Lovely New moon, its a SUPERMOON. Which means the moons orbital pull is Closest to the earth. So the Energy Surround...