C R Y S T A L FOR The M ON T H June~ A P O P H Y L I T E

A PO P H Y L I T E Carries the Vibration of the Higher Realms and is use to attune to these realities which coExist with our everyday world. As jesus said in the Bible" The Kingdom of Heaven is Spread out upon the Earth and men do not see it". This can Be a spiritual blindness that has been developed over the years. Like for Instance Scientist always question everything and Spiritualist always have faith in what is and what will be... well Apophylite held to LIFT the veil of illusion, Opening Higher Knowledge to Seep through.
Connected with the Wind element, Apophylite brings a cooling sensation to ones consciousness and meditative practices, allowing one to feel gentle and comfort in there own knowingness and beingness. Stimulating the 3rd eye and higher crown chakras One can simply feel elevated and connected to there intuitive nature and Psychic Abilities, helping there path to be more ENLIGHTENED. Known to Clear, cleanse the Higher chakras,it helps to let go distracting thoughts and EGO based interpretations allowing the brain to Only resonate with higher spiritual more Aligned thoughts. Holding or meditating with an apophyllite you can feel a connectedness to the angels of light and the heavenly realms~~~~ trusting your instinct and Divine Self.
Apophyllite Resonates with JUNE so deeply....... so we may better attend to our Intuitive, Mind, Body Soul Nature too further ourselves in the Physical outter reality we wish to create. One who is grounded in Meditative Practices or Higher vibrational remedies to soothe spirit is Aligned and Centered in there current Reality making it easier to Attract Abundance & live a more aligned state of being. Allowing the Awakening and Progression to Occur= E V O LU T I O N....

READ BELOW FOR A QUICK STATED AFFIRMATION & Meditation with OUR Apophyllite Crystal.

Find a comforting space. Smudge the area. Feel the Lightness Enter. Place right hand on heart, then Left hand over Heart. Take a Couple breaths of Gratitude. Of pause, of Love. Next think about what you want to CoCreate. Link the energies of your Mind(thoughts?manifestations) into your heart. Let the Energies circulating Stimulating the Inner YOUniverse with IN. Feel the Vibrations Emit from your Heart into the Gaia, into the Atmosphere, into the Galactic Universe.


I trust in the Flow of My higher self.

I Am Supported By the Universe, My guides, My Angels.

As I Give, I Receive, I Evolve.

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