E A S E YOUr W A Y into AUGUST + Crystal Of the M O N T H labradorite



How has July treated you, or shall i say the last couple of months. A lot of Transitioning is happening in our outter and inner worlds. A feeling of Rage, Confusion, anxiousness or even head/body aches may be whirling around. or Maybe a little off to say the least. Let the Anger Roar, Feel it Through. We are in Leo SEASON > Let the LION Go. Be Playful, Creative, but yet Ambitious, fearless, Limitless. Being in a Very HIGH ENERGETIC month I shall say or one of the most influential of this year alot of Havoc has happened, personal Deaths, rebirths, Death and rebirths in our mental, spiritual, emotional bodies. 


this needs to happen inorder to Readjust to the current level of awareness your Higher self is trying to reach. which is Your Current SOUL Self.___

We OFCOARSE ARE swimming in Cosmic Waters with the LIONS GATE 8|8 which is when Earth aligns with the galactic center (Central sun) and the star sirius opens a cosmic portal between physical and spiritual realms.....Also Occurring in the Zodiac sign LEO. Creating avenues and observation of self-mastery and embodying the Divine Light. These special gateways accelerate your ascension process once attuned.


Also.....  2 Eclipses follows ,Partial Lunar Eclipse & FULL MOON Aug 7/8 and Solar Eclipse New MOON AUG 21. Eclipse times are ALL About Integration of your DIVINE path, Transitioning & Transformations, Revelations, Inner Revolutions & opens Spirit Evolution...

When ALL this Upgrading and Recoding in the LIGHT BODY Happens, we are under Soul Integration. So be Gentle with self. Know the lower energies need to RISE UP out of the BODY before it can Be transmuted and Alchemized. SO KNOW these OUTbursts are your SOUL SELF responding and Transcending.  

YOU are Receiving Downloads from the Cosmos and planetary bodies.  REMEMBER the solar system is our outter Consciousness. 


 PAUSE. UNPLUG take Deep rest, Self care, self love is essential. Nap, Bathe in herbs in blessed waters, Be in nature, SUN Bathe, Lay under the moon, Get Lost in the stars, Become one with Gaias BREATH> Attend to your Intuitive self magic remedies.

RESET in your WHOLE Bodily System & ReEvaluate.

Get Clear on what it is you want to create. rest, then receive.be. the receive.....take your time and SLOW down.. Mercury is also retrograding this MONTH. REWINDING IT ALL>.....


To Support ALL of us I came to Conclusion CRYSTAL OF THE MONTH will BE LABRADORITE,,, let her Cosmic Magick Support You along this UNIVERSAL RIDE:::


Feeling Ungrounded means we are not protected or Aligned to our higher self, Labradorite draws the spirit cosmic body inwards and claims the birthright to divinity so you can walk the spiritual path with integrity and Strength.  Just gazing into Labradorite, One is Drawn into the Cosmic Hues and floats off into outer space.  SOOOOO.. this is exactly what we need to do. Create more of a DEEper connection with the planets and star systems around us this month, labradorite is your GO 2!



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