Sensual Moon, Sensual You, Dance among the Taurus path

f u l l M O O N in T a u r us , scorpio sun====

SUPERMOON AT THAT-  is When closest to the Earth- so the energies are stirring up the inner waters, tides with in our Earthly bodies Extra ROUGH-ly.. Taurus is a grounding sign, embracing all the Earthly Indulgences, enjoying the Material world at its finest and honoring the sensuality and extra sensory experiences in the midst of creation at hand. 

Taking IN ALL the Fine PLEASURES Life has to offer, Taurus Values Life and the Surrounding forces that come along with it. 

INTERCONNECTEDNESS to ones self, Family, Friends and Relationship with all beings, hence relationship with self is very important for the taurus being.  Grounded Taurus is Ruled by Venus, Planet of Beauty, love & passion.  so everything they do is at strong will and lite by the passionate, flaming energy of LOVE> .

with Luna Dancing in the Taurus Constellation, Spirit urges us to Take time to Reflect during the Full Illumination of this Moon, Ground down into Earth & engage in.....

SelfCare, Self Love  exercises & practices......which is where you allow transformation to occur. When we Fully Love every part of ourselves through self conscious acts of SELF LOVE, their is no room for the lack of love to be absent in the midst of the density or darkness when it arises.

We are also being asked from source to look upon our own lives, witness + observe what it is that keeps us from our  accomplishing dreamseeds, moving forward or working towards our manifestations. .....

Some of the questions to ponder upon are:

   What Can You do to take simple pleasure in playing with your wild soul?

What can you realease that is heavy, toxic or hindering your pivotal growth?

    Where are you underValue-INg yourself in different parts of your life?

     Are you enjoying the Earthly process of engaging all of your senses in Every      Experience?.. and Inviting all of your senses to Create new manifestations?....





It has been a rough one lately, intense Waves, especially with Samhain, the Last 2 months of the Year and Scorpio season(Mysterious Revelations)- shadow work) Energetic Alchemy-) in process, so much is being forced in, Risen up and burned to the fire to be forever transmuted.

But Look How Far you have Come this Year. Look where you have arrived.  Look beyond that . let that be your drive into....

REBIRTH. into more Revelations.

Honor the Resurection of phases and the passing of time. Everything is Moving For you, Thriving you into further existence. Not agaisnt you. Everything may feel as if life is testing & stimulating the shadows that need some attending too. Remember we are on this Earth to release Karmic Ties, Pulls, Ancestral Baggage, limited Beliefs, Patterns, Old Belief system that do not serve the New Earth ( new self), and Heal Align Earth/Humanity and Each other into a New Paradigm.  

the Cosmos spin in your favor if you surrender & Ride with the Natural universal currents. planets and our surrounding celestial bodies impact our consciousness as they dance in the sky. So as they Transition we Transition.   Learn to Go with it. surrender to it. Let it serve you. let it move. let it align you. 

ENJOY Your earthly play and exquisite indulgences under this  FULL MOON* Let the WILD with In Your Soul Roar. Be the Bull. Go for it. Ram forth. Move Straight forward into your Manifestations and Dream seeds....  knowing You are Supported and held by your Great Mother GAIA.

Trust.    Taurus Says"


Here is a simple Gaia Ritual for this Full Moon Magic:


Red, Orange, Navy Blue, or Black Candle

Rose Petals or any Flower petals, Or Falling Leaves.

Go into the Forest, a park or Nature Like area. Somewhere Secluded or quiet. where you can be alone to breathe with Gaia, the trees, the wind, your Heart at tender ease and care.

Pause. Feel the elements around you, the wind on your skin the smell of pure nature. Take a couple deep breaths in into your Heart Chakra, then into your Womb center. Honor your Body,  Honor the Moment. Honor your Trials and Tribulations, Honor the Blessings in your life.

(You can always Create this Ritual Indoor, I suggest to be out side with Gaia so you are supported by the potency of her Medicine Magic) 

Next, Intentionally Create a Medicine circle Using the petals or Leaves,

place each earth piece down with Intentional Love, with In mind, honoring the four Directions as well as Father Sky, mother Earth, & Universal Spirit.

After completing your circle,  Place your Candle in the Center of he Circle take a couple moments to self, to reflect on what it is You are READY to GIVE UP, & Give to the Earth. What has been heavy? what has been Stagnant. or needing Attention. 

Bring that to Present awareness and allow your mind, to link with your breath as you process all of this. Light your Candle, Feel the Flame Burning what no longer serves in your Heavenly Body space... With the Flame in action, Silently or Out loud State what you are ready to Release and ignite into the Burning Flame of Transformation. 

You can Even write what is heavy on paper and burn it with the same candle (ofcoarse with caution)....

As it is Burning State" & So it is, So it is, So it is......

Ritual Complete.

Give thanks Divine Mother. Divine Father. And all that is.

Remember to always Create space & ritual to embrace your Transitions.

Dance in your cyclical Changes & Comings. Let the Universe take you.


 & relax, Nothing is under control=)


GAIA Blessings!


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